Social Run Movement 2023 | Turnkey Production

Project Info


The primary challenge was to foster a nationwide network of trail running groups that could operate autonomously yet cohesively under The North Face’s brand umbrella. This required meticulous planning and coordination to ensure consistent communication, branding, and engagement across diverse communities. Additionally, we aimed to establish a system that could efficiently gather data and insights to measure the initiative's impact and success.


Ambassador Program Development: We collaborated with The North Face’s trail running athletes to identify and recruit local ambassadors in each city, empowering them to lead their own weekly running groups. This grassroots approach ensured authenticity and local engagement.

Comprehensive Communications Plan: A robust communications plan was implemented, encompassing everything from initial outreach to ongoing support for the ambassadors. This strategy ensured that all participants were aligned with the initiative's goals and maintained The North Face’s brand standards.

Data Collection and Reporting: We developed a tailored reporting system to collect data from each running group, providing valuable insights on participation, community growth, and overall impact. This allowed for real-time adjustments and demonstrated the initiative’s success to The North Face.

Creative Collaboration with Studio Tangible: To ensure a visually cohesive and engaging initiative, we partnered with Studio Tangible for the creation of design assets. Our team led the creative direction, producing a suite of materials that resonated with the trail running community and elevated the Social Run Movement’s identity.

Services Provided:

Strategic Planning and Execution: From the initiative’s concept to the weekly running sessions, we orchestrated the Social Run Movement with a focus on community building and brand alignment.

Brand and Communication Strategy: Our comprehensive approach ensured that The North Face’s values and message were consistently communicated across all touchpoints, reinforcing the brand's commitment to trail running.

Creative and Design Direction: By directing the creative process and collaborating with Studio Tangible, we delivered impactful design assets that enriched the initiative's visual identity and participant engagement.


The Social Run Movement successfully galvanized trail running communities across Canada, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Through our strategic planning, ambassador-led groups, and creative collaborations, we were able to increase awareness and participation in trail running, aligning with The North Face’s mission to inspire outdoor exploration. The initiative not only amplified The North Face's presence in the trail running scene but also created lasting bonds among participants, laying a solid foundation for future growth and engagement.

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